Education Digital MARKETING

Education Digital Marketing Company

Itorix Infotech - Front-Runner in the Education digital marketing arena

The world of digital marketing in the field of educational institutes is not a simple and easy one. For one, the age group of the target audience rotates anywhere from teenagers to someone in their fifties. This is not just because learning never stops; the fact is that in some places, parents still make decisions regarding their children’s careers. On the other hand, some children are independent right from the beginning and like to make an informed choice rather than going by the advice of their elders. In both cases, as an educational institute, it is crucial to leverage the power of digital marketing to amplify your reach. Itorix Infotech is the leading digital marketing agency offering solutions for higher educational institutes including both colleges and universities. Our services start from establishing your brand identity, continue with building your online presence and ultimately lead to delivering results for your educational institute.

Even before the pandemic, the importance of digital marketing in the sphere of education has only been increasing. Online is where a large number of students spend most of their time these days and that is where educational institutes need to be. This is because you need to catch the attention of the target group and social media and digital marketing lets you do target advertising through the use of various cookies and search engine optimisation. With so many educational institutes and courses moving  completely virtual, digital marketing for educational institutes is all the more relevant.

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Your Premier Digital Marketing Partner for Educational Institutes and Colleges


Customised Digital Marketing Services For
Education Institutes

The first and foremost task that we undertake when we take up an educational institute as a client is that we ensure that their website is not just simple and informative but is also attractive and pleasing to the eyes of the students and parents alike. For this, we engage our technical and creative minds. The technology specialists make sure that the website is fast loading and doesn’t have downtimes. The creative minds ensure that the interface of the website is easy to use and user friendly and that it provides all the relevant information in an attractive manner so as to convert them into your students.

Our strategy for educational institutes doesn’t just stop with creating and updating your website, we go beyond the traditional modes of information. We ensure that your educational institutes’ profile on various educational portals is up to date. Further, various intellectuals associated with your university are encouraged to stay active on influential social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn. This strategy makes sure that you attract the best students from around the country.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most fundamental ways of reaching your target audiences online. SEO has a strong potential to grow your business and build your Startup’s Trust & Authority amongst your prospects. SEO determines your Startup Business’s Visibility on search engines. For example, you are a new start-up in the field of Hotel Furniture and your prospects/customers searches for “hotel furniture” on Google. Does your business website shows up on the first of Google or does your competitors.

Itorix Infotech’s SEO experts have a deep understanding of the best SEO practices to help your Startup shows up on the first page of Google’s search results. We can optimize your Startup business website to drive more visitors and convert them into paying customers.

When the admission season starts in the country, it is the most opportune time to be in front of the students and parents. At Itorix Infotech, we use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) effectively to deliver leads for your educational institute. One of our initiatives involves getting famous alumni of your educational institute to make short videos or posts on their social media so that students feel the necessary connection and motivation to look up your courses. Streamlining and popularising your admissions process is also something that we help you with so that you do not lose out on students due to a technical glitch.

Itorix Infotech continues to provide support to educational institutes even post-admission season is over. With the whole education sector going into a hybrid system of physical as well as online classes, it becomes necessary that educational institutes focus on getting both the teachers as well as students comfortably trained with the online class format. We help you with both the technology as well as content development. It is obvious that it is more difficult to hold the attention of the students in an online class. Our team of creative experts will work with your faculty and develop content that is specifically designed keeping in mind the needs of the online classroom.

Education is not a business but that does not mean that stakeholders should not be kept happy. In fact, being a noble job, it is all the more important to ensure that service delivery reaches the last mile. We, at Itorix Infotech, help develop systems that encourage constant engagement with both students and parents.

Unlocking Success: Our Go-to-Market Digital Marketing Strategy, We Help You!

Why should you choose Itorix Infotech as your education digital marketing agency

Digital Content

Itorix Infotech excels in digital marketing with a diverse team of content experts. We create top-notch educational content, thoroughly researched and professionally proofread. Our goal is to help you attract global talent through effective promotions and social media strategies.

Technical & Creative Expertise

We cater to both parents and students, delivering informative, technical content for parents and engaging, easy-to-understand information for students.


Itorix Infotech has a proven track record working with various educational institutes, from established brands to local ones. Our experience spans traditional colleges and ed-tech startups, allowing us to meet the unique needs of any educational institution right from the start.

How we are different form others

B2B Digital Marketing Company

What are the key digital marketing strategies for growing a higher education institute?

To grow a higher education institute, it’s essential to invest in a responsive and engaging website, implement chatbots for 24/7 engagement, and establish a strong social media presence.

How can a compelling website benefit an educational institution's digital marketing efforts?

A compelling website can provide important information about courses, facilities, faculty, and more, attracting prospective students and increasing enrollment leads globally.

What role do chatbots play in the digital marketing strategy for educational institutions?

Chatbots enhance communication by promptly responding to student inquiries, portraying the institute as tech-savvy, and speeding up interactions with prospective students.

Why is a strong social media presence crucial for educational institutions, and which platforms are effective for marketing campaigns?

Social media helps connect with prospective students, enhance institute credibility, and can even improve organic search engine rankings. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are effective for showcasing an institution’s potential.


B2B Digital Marketing Success Factors